Thursday, 19 April 2012

Late night snacking: Healthier alternatives


Being the typical highly-strung stressed-out uni student, I don't just want to snack, I NEED to snack. Especially at night. In fact, I think I eat more than I work the night before an exam or assignment deadline. It's like a vicious cycle. Stress => Snack => Guilt => Stress (because of the guilt) => Snack more. Yeah you get the picture. :(

So you can imagine my joy when I found this website. According to it, late night snacking is perfectly reasonable as long as you stay off foods high in fat, protein or fibre and keep the calorie count 200 and below. There are recipes for a lower calorie raisin peanut butter, almond meal cookie dough, and 120-calorie meatballs (from Martha Stewart). And everything just looks so yummyyy! There's also a list of types of food to avoid at night in case you were wondering.

Plus, did you know bananas can help you get better and deeper sleep? Apparently the high levels of potassium and tryptophan in them help put you to sleep quicker. There is now hope for those allergic to red wine (me), warm milk and sleeping pills.

So next time you feel like a late night snack, don't reach for that bag of chips or box of oreos. Have a banana instead or some yummy 120-calorie meatballs. I know this is a deviation from the usual nail stuff, but I thought it would be fun to share something random. Will be back with a nail post soon! Ta! 


  1. i did NOT know that about bananas but i'm now going to try it instead of a glass of wine. thanks for sharing!
    xx, micol

  2. Good to know that other people snack too ;)

  3. Great post! I love bananas!
    Thanks so much for following my blog. :) I hope you can visit my blog again soon.
    Have a fabulous day!

    xo Vivian
    Flightgirl Fashion

  4. hi, nice blog! if you want, take a look at my fashion blog...we can follow each other, if you like it! i hope... kisses :)
